"What do we do if it rains?"
It was already beginning to drizzle - little droplets on my windshield enough to warrant using the windshield wiper. I started to respond to the text then deleted; started again, deleted; started again... Finally I replied, "Let me text you when I get there and I'll let you know how it is."
I don't love getting wet and I certainly didn't want to subject my pregnant friend to it (I've heard this isn't true but I still believe getting wet in the rain causes you to catch a cold!), but she was more game than I was. For 15 minutes I scoped out the location for some fun spots and it seemed like the drizzle was holding steady. I was ready to run but instead I found myself texting her back, "It's not that bad. Come on over!"
I had gotten this far. It has been a while since I shot anything I was super excited about and it took a lot of emotional energy to bring myself to schedule this one. I also had access to a camera far better than mine, not to mention my friend being time-sensitive - so I decided to stick with it and just do it.
I am so thankful we did! The rain basically stopped right when Noelle got there and held off the whole time. The lighting was perfect (or at least it's my preference), we had a wonderful time, and I was reminded of why I love photography.
Here are a few of my faves from this precious unforgettable session: